Thursday, 22 October 2009

Being a Bastard

So today was the first day of slapping all glyphs on the AH at a low tasty reduced price. I became rather tired of waiting so took the plunge and went all out assaulting the AH. I popped 7 of all glyphs I could make on the AH and waited to see what happened, save in the knowledge that I still have 3000 inks in my bank waiting for manufacture.
ON top of that I have persistently bought out all herbs on AH for 22g a stack and under - which must be pishign the alchemists off no end and quite possibly a few scribes as well. It's a testing of the waters thign and somethign which can easily be done when there's 95k sitting, looking at the walls. It's an investment I'm prepared to make and in all honesty there's enough coming in from my gems, flasks and infinite dust to keep the wolves from the door. My intermittent suppliers are happy as I'm paying them slightly more than usual so all is well there.

What does all this mean....?

My first 1k day with Glyphs. Can't be bad to that.

Tuesday, 20 October 2009

Out of the frying pan.......

Did something I never thought I would do last night and cleared the Ah of herbs. About 5k in total which is fine from a liquidity Point of view (can easily cover that) but more from a " what the feck have I just done" viewpoint.
The plan is to adopt a "shock and Awe" policy on the AH sometime soon although I'm not sure when. our server has a small number of players in glyphs but it's very hard to gauge as yet what their stocks are going to be like. Personally am thining of leaving it for another week and continue accruing flowers. I have about 2k inks and 400 Snowfall in the bank at the moment. That should keep me going in the short term whenever I decide to make my move but , like I said, I'm just not sure what the competition is really like if I push them into a corner. It's a small horde market but money is not in short supply.Meh....too many confusing issues -better to gather more info methinks.

There's plenty of other things keeping me occupied just now but I'll pontificate and expand more on those later.

Starting out

Where to begin eh?

I've been doing a lot of reading recently about making gold in the gaming crack that is World of Warcraft. It's a veritable minefield of what to do, what not to do, who to do it to and how to do it.

A lot of it all makes sense, though for someone who has only really started on his quest for hitting the GOLD CAP, a lot more of it is pretty confusing. In short I'm a gold making virgin.

Well virgin is probably the wrong word as my goldmaking cherry has been popped but it's all new and wodnerful and the thrill still has not worn off.

So I've decided to climb aboard to Wow Gold BLogging gravy train and chuck my oar in with some pearls of gibberish and some musing from a middle aged WoW addict.

Even a Leprechaun was a wee bairn once.

I'll scrabble together an introduction later on today when I get me head around this blogging malarkey.