Thursday, 28 January 2010

Shatter that Crystal!

Abyss crystal prices are plummeting. Recent scans of the AH are showing me that more and more of the bleedin' things are going for 25g and under which once upon a time would have been excellent news if ye were in the scroll market. Yet as I mentioned before that market is dropping like Belle du Jour's frilly knickers: fast and often. Mind you unlike Belle, there ain't much money anymore in scrolls. Sadly as infinite dust is also at stupid prices on my server, shattering the abyss is not exactly profitable either.
However it's still decent money that can be achieved by shattering void crystals into Large Prismatics. Remember in an old post I managed to accrue oodles of voids at 6g apiece. Well currently I'm selling prismatics at 6g apiece. 100% profit. I will admit however that it is a slow process but one that is still a consistent bringer of the dough and I have mde my initial outlay back with plenty remaining for shattering. At one point I was selling the shards for 11g! Nice but bear in mind I also had to sell some at 4g. Still a profit mind.

On a side note again, uncut gems are slowly returning to pre3.3 prices. No complaints there especially as cut gems are not as quick to follow suit. It's only a matter of time but striking whilst the iron's still hot is advisable.

Oh, and the goblins are pissed off and need your help at

Tuesday, 26 January 2010

Busy as a bee

A short update on what's been happening.
Outside of the game I'm still scribbling and penning away on . It's takign up more time than previously expected but so far I'm enjoying the challenege of coming up with a new story almost every day. Mind you, the latest story, which was intended for yesterday overran a little and became a beast of an entry. It's turning into a saga that particular tale so I'm going to keep running with it. Hopefully I can keep the others as standalone affairs.
Ingame has been rather quiet. Raiding wise we managed to smack down 3 bosses in ICC10 which for aguild of our size is fairly decent. We only raid Thursdays and Sundays but progress is looking up.
I've started accumulating herbs again and beginning the milling process in advance of Cataclysm. I've let me previously substantial stocks of glyphs run down dramatically. TO be honest I wasn't arsed to keep relisting and makign new ones so am doing bugger all business glyph wise. But I'll continue buying out all cheap stacks I can. (They're only going to get more expensive once x-pac arrives so I might as well grab 'em now)
At this moment in time I have about 4000 azurepiggies to craft into inks but that's not a major issue. When I find the time (who knows when!!) then I'll start reglyphing, with the intention of making 15-20 of all cheaper/less productive glyphs and upwards of 50 profitable/top sellers. That's the aim.

I have a couple of alts lurking around the 65-70 lvl so I may look to gettign them up to 75 to max profs in advance of Cata. I could really use two alchemists maxed. One for Flasks (already in operation) and one for mutations. Better to have this done now rather than experience the pain of levelling them after Cata.
And for badness, I've dropped the prices of Scrolls on some of my items to below the price of mats, just to piss a few people off. When I see them posting BErserking Enchants for less than the price of the abyss crystals then that gets my back up. Well for the hell of it I halved the prices again on all Abyss Crystal scrolls. I have 300 Abyss Crystals in my bags, not a huge amount, but one which will allow me to be machiavellian for a week or so.

Friday, 22 January 2010

Bits 'n' Bobs

As you can see I've been a little busy this week working on the stories on my other blog. Naturally this has resulted in less time spent in game keeping the cashflow healthy. I'm still making about 2-3k a day but have been spending more than what's coming in. It's mainly going on buying mats for craftable epics for my Shaman and trying to maximise the guild's efforts into IC by bringing flasks etc. To be honest I madea conscious decision a while back to help our efforts as much as I can by using my in game wealth. There's not much point otherwise in hoarding so much gold. Can't take it with me when I eventually stop playing.
Flasks have stabilised at 45g which I suppose isnt too bad. Family commitments have naturally meant I cannot spend the time to play the market as aggressively as I would have like although I am shifting as many items as before only making more money.
One tip I do have though is about checking out the lower end mats required in those epic 264 craftables. I purchased Icy Dragonscales the other night for less than a gold apiece. I took what I needed and put the rest back on the AH at just over 8g each. I sold about 75% of these before someone dumped some extra stock on there at half the price. I'm going to keep my eye on this market over the next wee while. I'm sure the same might apply to the Blacksmithing and Tailoring options as well.

Thursday, 21 January 2010

Citizens of Azeroth

Many years ago I used to write fairly prolifically. Mainly poetry, comedy sketches and the odd short story thrown in for good measure. I used to love penning random bits of silliness and to be honest I've let myself go stale. I know I can write although my editing skills are as rough as a badger's arse.However being recently made redundant has both given me time to reassess what I would like to do with my life and then to do something about it. So I have an idea and I'm running with it. And that idea is..
My hope is that this blog reignites my love for writing and telling stories. All good things hopefully have to start somewhere and this is my beginning.
The aim of this blog in particular is to try to add some backstory to the inconsequential characters of wow, those who have no history. It's all meant to be in good humour and to try something a little different, for me anyways.
The aim is to keep the stories in line with the ethos of WoW and the history within although there's always room for some personal interpretation. Some will be standalone pieces and others are intended to be serials. I hope you all like it and as always, your thoughts are welcome. If you even fancy commenting on the stories feel free to do so. All is ask is that you add a little flair to the comments, maybe even adding what you might have heard from these characters.

Tuesday, 19 January 2010

A new Venture

This is just a small heads up on a new idea I've working on which isn't gold related. I've had an idea for a while to write stories based around in game characters whilst at the same time learnign to blog more efficiently and carefully. It might go further than that but at the moment I just want to keep writing and working on the site.
Hopefully by the end of the week I'll be ready to share the blog address with you all.

Wednesday, 13 January 2010

Flasks - an update.

Well I promised I would delve vociferously into the flask market and I have to admit i've taken a slightly more restrained approach instead.
In total I have about 500 Frost Wyrms, 200 Endless Rages and 150 Stonebloods just now, with about another 250 Frost lotus sitting in the bank. The other night I bought out all remaining Lotus from the AH, well those at 70g and under and also cleared out the Lichblooms, Icethorns and Goldclovers as well. Thankfully I already had 50 Eternal life in stock.
I whacked a shedload of flasks ontoAH for 24 hours at 50g to see if they sold, roughly 50 of the DPS ones and 20 of the Stones. The Stones all sold but the DPS were sporadic at best, They were fairly easily undercut although promisingly not by huge amounts and not in huge numbers. Admittedly this was the weekend and beign a family man I hadn't the time to log in keep track of affairs, however I'm goingto try the same this afternoon in advance of the new raid week starting around teatime. I should get luckier I would imagine.

Am still going to post at 50g as I want to continue seeing over a 2 week period just how volatile the market is. Like Hulan commented on my previous flask post/thought, flask prices do not accurately reflect costs of the mats. Thus am hoping with a sustained clearing of the AH of mats I might be able to manipulate further. It's still early days mind and ultimately I'm not goingto be too disappointed if I am not too successful. Although I damn well sure won't make a loss.

Tuesday, 12 January 2010

Friday, 8 January 2010

Ticking along , free of stress.

I have been remiss. Goldcap was smashed about 2 days after my last bout of waffling. Then the spending spree began. A cloak for 8k and a big fat mammoth for tramping and trading around Northrend on. I'm a little disappointed that when ye repair using the troll dude on the back of said wooly elephant the costs do not go to you personally. Now I'm not too worried abotu my own repair costs etc but it would be nice when others who use him, the shillings come to you. I mean we did pay 16k for the fecker.
One of the joys about having hit goldcap is that it's remarkably easy how the gold continues to roll in, even having scaled back my efforts considerably. The mammoth and cloak costs have already been made back threefold and thats with barely bothering to spend as much time as I had been doing.
Gems are still the main earner although the price of uncut ones went ballistic for a while, Thankfully, Cut gems followed suit and the complaints about prices are more common place these days. Still, if you can't craft the said item you need then be prepared to pay the going rate.
Apologies for a random higglety pigglety post but to be honest there is a lot going on these days in the MagzGuild and naturally these take priority.

To round off  - I'll give you some info on one thing I have been doing recently in game and that's attempting to manipulate the Flask Market. I mean, come on, 25g for a flask!!!! Try 50g minimum by the time I have finished. It's a slow process but I do now have 400 Frost lotus in my bank to help me continue and there's more on the way. The demand is huge right now with ICC being the flavour of the month and I'm tryign to limit supply. I'll let ye know how I get on soon. I hope :p