Saturday, 28 November 2009

Another for the Horde!

A stupid post title for a marvellous occasion. Magz junior has arrived a little earlier than anticipated and I'm now the proud father of  a little boy called Robert. Already we've started calling him Robbie which isn't terribly Irish but he's a little duck and he's mine.
I would probably be right in assuming that there are a few of you out there who have sprogged some wains of yer own, so you can now empathise with my current feeling of elation and satisfaction. We waited 7 years now since our first to have this little fella and that wait was well worth it.
Mother and child are in excellent health  and if I were to be honest I'm slightly ratarsed whilst scribbling this. It wouldn't be Irish if I weren't.

And as a sidenote  - whilst I was at the hospital the last few days, my auctions have tippedme over the 200k mark. Darkmoon faire, I truly love ye.

And to sum the occasion up

Monday, 23 November 2009

Rattling the Cage

There's an old expression, probably used the world over, which constantly comes to mind when I read certain blogs which have Warcraft gold making themes. The expression "empty vessels make the most noise" can be appropriated to a small number of individual blogs who believe that by spouting seemingly intelligent and statistically heavy opinions in their blogs they are in fact contributing to educated and informative discussion of all matters worldly.
Well you know just because someone constantly batters along on the same point again and again doesnt actually make them right, more the opposite. Blah blah Welfare state, blah Scroungers and so on ad finitum. It's all rather depressing really but what's more depressing is that these "empty vessels" are held in high regard and are supposed paragons of infinite wisdom on all matters, both WoW and non-WoW related. Personally If I were one of these individuals who were self sufficient for 3 years, I would travel the world, demanding to be fellated by my fawning minions, such would be my power over their feeble sycophancy. Then again I could on these travels discover more about how the world actually is and maybe fill that "vessel" with some knowledge so that the noise in future is somewhat less.

And maybe then we could could all have some peace.

Thursday, 19 November 2009

Tankard O' Terror

I was casually skimming through a few of the recent articles posted via WoW Economic Review and noticed a comment made by someone on the Phase3Profit blog.
He had stated that he thought the Tankard was a bad investment. Well I have to disagree, although there were a few times at the moment of purchase and shortly after that I did question the wisdom of procurement.
The person ins question bought 28 Tankards. Now I wonder what he paid for them? I myself bought 8 at an average of 800g apiece and right now wished I could have (should have) bought much more. The original dream was to sell them for 1500g + down the line but instead I've shifted them already at an average of 1100g which is no bad thing. They're sold, no money has been lost apart from a couple of hundred on AH listing fees.
I can't complain about this at all but am now wondering what would happen if I delayed a little longer. Mind you , better sold at a profit than not at all eh?

Wednesday, 18 November 2009


Hmmm - was intending on whacking a raft of posts on here relating to some interesting points I noticed about gems and crystals. However they'll have to wait as the good lady wife has been brought to hospital for monitoring   - the unborn be lying arseways right now so precautions have to be taken.
SO again for now some more silence.

Tuesday, 10 November 2009

Tainted Love - the slow decline of the epic gem.

I'm going to keep this brief for now but I hope to pontificate more in the near future about this.
Epic Gems are slowly but surely starting to lost the sweet 60-100g profit margin ( on bought uncut gems anyways ). Today I saw Runed Cardinals selling for 140g on my server - and to makes matters worse there were 6 sellers at this.  Some I recognised other not. Now I can only assume the normal sellers did't pay much attention to the notices when using QA about who and how much etc but it's slightly disconcerting. What with the inevitable spike in demand with 3.3 soon upon us I would be hoping they don't drop much further. Even so, I bought out the ones at 140g (roughly 7 gems) and only posted 1 at 190g. The plan is to store them for the next patch unless these prices from today were a blip, an anomaly. At least they wre cheaper than what I've paid for the uncut rubies previously so should save some time.
The main thing is I can afford to take a small risk like that but would hope not to be diving in there too often again.

Gripe of the day: Transmutation procs suck the donkey's dong.... 1 in 10 days and for only one extra Amber. At the end of the second week, if it hasnt picked up my specialisation is returning to elixir.

Monday, 9 November 2009

Meet and Greet

I decided this evening to check out a competitor - just to see what he had made gold wise. It was interesting to find out that he was goldcapped solely from Gems. The TinyTip wealth addon told me his wealth so I struck up a conversation and needless to say, being a "sociable" person, the chat was amicable.
We discussed the rapidly declining profits in the gems market and nattered about what we can expect in 3.3 and beyond.
I'm glad I did this as between the two of us we're the largest Gem merchants on the AH and both concluded that there were too persons slapping underpriced gems on the market. I like to think I learned something from tonight in mainly focussing on one market as opposed to the "throwing shit at a wall" approach but, tbh I think I will continue as I am for now. Its much more fun if a little more work. I did like his gentle and subtle warning though......"I have plenty of stock" :-)
However the upshot is is that I dont really need to worry about him right now and vice versa.

Saturday, 7 November 2009

A Bargain? Here's hoping.

Trade chat this morning was an interesting habitat. I spent about 30 mins in the company of a chinese farmer /gold mule who was selling some stuff. Namely Abyss and Void Crystals.
He had been trying to sell the Abyss on the AH the evening before at 40g a pop - about 6-8g lower than average price. HE had them in stacks of 20 and I thought - hmmm - lets wait a see if he reposts lower.
Lo and Behold on trade chat this mornign he is tryingto sell them. I whispered for the price and he said 56g each, so a small chuckle later I informed him of his efforts the previous day.The price dropped to 40g each. I offered 25 to buy the lot. He had 12 stacks. After the usual haggling he finally settled for 390-g a stack equating to 32.5g a crystal. Now in my eyes thats a bargain.
Reason? Patch 3.3 and scrolls which require Abyss Crystals. New weapons from ICC and Season8  = Berserker and Mighty Spllpower enchants. There may even be room for the change in the Black Magic enchant = gold rush. Hopefully. It a risk but one I reckon could be worthwhile.

The Void Crystals are a different story. They were going for 12g+ on AH which in reality is a ridiculous price from an enchanters POV. However having bought 36 stacks!!!!!! at 120g a stack I am taking the long term approach to this and shattering the feckers in advance of Cataclysm and for general use in between,
Reason? Large PRismatic shards sell for 12g on my server.  It's a no brainer.
So whilst continuing to bring in the sales on glyphs and gems I've just spent over 18k (I bought other stuff from him too) on the future. Speculate to generate I reckon.
This has meant though that I've dropped from 137k last night to just under 120k this lunchtime but there's no fun in not trying to think big sometimes.

Friday, 6 November 2009

UPDATE: Bark at the Moon

Nipped earlier over the the Alliance Ah to visit my much neglected lvl5 Dwarf Warrior, basically to check were there any Rituals on their AH. Lo and Behold there were nowt and then the idea came: Neutral AH!
Off I went and crafted 12 of the buggers and slapped them in the Blackwater AH.
Returned to Stormwind and did a little trade chat tickling. unfortunately I encountered the usual "pfft rip off remarks, but it seems I was justified.
I logged to my toon in tanaris after about 2 hours and 7 of the twelve had sold, bringing in roughly 120g profit per book.

One eejit had told me that his "mate" said I was really overpriced as I was chatting in Alliance trade. I advised him to let his mate know that he should desist in offering such pearls of wisdom in the future. You can only know a fool is a fool when they say or do something.

Bark at the Moon

It's amazing the amount of "pfft" remarks when I gently remind people I have Rituals of the New Moon on sale in the AH.
"160g for wha?" is the usual remark.
"Not worth it mate- too expensive"
"Reported" is a rather common one.

It's rather comforting reading these comments having sold nearly 2 dozen of the feckers in the last 3 weeks at yes you got it, 160g apiece. Has to have been the simplest sweetest Moolah moment since feck knows when, and all for 5 mins farming in the Grizzlies.

Release your inner Lupine tendencies...

Thursday, 5 November 2009

Whoa - Slow down there Magz!

Somethings happening and I'm not 100% sure how to explain it. I've goen from 5-10k a week to pulling in 20K the last two weeks and there's no sign of a patch as yet.

In saying that I've really intensified efforts in both the glyph and gem markets and it's paying off. I'm aggressively purchasing epic uncut gems from the Ah and even if the cut gem sells for 20g more its still profit. More often than not it is selling for 50-70g more.

I've done some research on Major Inscriptions and I'm almost there with the full whack. Am now considering stockpiling Glyph books for Cat if I can get them cheaply enough.

More's to the point I really must start updating this more regularly as there is lots I need and want to share with people on this malarkey called the Gold Cap. IT takes some time folks but it isnt impossible to do.