Thursday 19 November 2009

Tankard O' Terror

I was casually skimming through a few of the recent articles posted via WoW Economic Review and noticed a comment made by someone on the Phase3Profit blog.
He had stated that he thought the Tankard was a bad investment. Well I have to disagree, although there were a few times at the moment of purchase and shortly after that I did question the wisdom of procurement.
The person ins question bought 28 Tankards. Now I wonder what he paid for them? I myself bought 8 at an average of 800g apiece and right now wished I could have (should have) bought much more. The original dream was to sell them for 1500g + down the line but instead I've shifted them already at an average of 1100g which is no bad thing. They're sold, no money has been lost apart from a couple of hundred on AH listing fees.
I can't complain about this at all but am now wondering what would happen if I delayed a little longer. Mind you , better sold at a profit than not at all eh?


  1. I bought over 20 of them at prices < 700 and I've been slowly selling them for a while now. It's a risky investment but if I manage to sell them for at least 800 gold each, I will end up with a net profit. Paid a total of 15K and so far have sold 12K worth and still have 10 of them to sell.

  2. Nice one mate. You've hit the nail on the head - take yer time and they will sell eventually. They're a damn fien item for anyone who cannot or doesn't raid often enough to get the good stuff.
